Multiverse Journal - Index Number 1985:, August 12th, 2023, Saturday Morning
A Journal across Realities, Time, Space, Soul-States.
August 12th, 2023
Good Saturday Morning,
May the Spirit of the Gospel and the Holy Word be Always on our Tongues, in our Hearts, Minds, and in our Hands.
Holy Virgin Mary and All Saints - Pray for us!
Index Number 1985:
[Yesterday Facebook stopped letting me edit my post – and so I added a video (two actually) and the updated URLs normally at the end in the Comment section. I would guess it was because I included all the Jews in Banking article(s) in images that was reference in the audio conversation on the related topic.
.. If this editing-issue continues – recall to look there.
Update: Facebook calling post SPAM and I can not add Comments or edit.
Again .. it is late in the morning and I have been scrapping together what I could for this Journal Entry, a lot of material does not show-up until later morning, which makes sense.
Another decent prayer and meditation period – I started a little early because I fell asleep earlier, and when I have had my period of sleep and get the wake-up nudge, at that point more is less. I did dose briefly and remember having a vivid dream where I was with or watching a women who was driving in some EU country and all the traffic signs were completely confusing – like water-pipe diagrams with lines through parts of them .. and she stopped on a highway off-ramp at one and got out to look more closely at it and then a narrow long train engine came down the ramp and slowed down but shoved her car aside and forced it's way past .. which was a little weird. for some reason I think the country was France but I have now sense of how that was decided .. do the French have confusing road signs and trains driving on the roads?
May this be a Blessing to you and us all. [And all our Futures, and future Multiverse Pasts.]
I came across the book 'The Green Man' (archived) ..
.. from which an excellent movie – 3 part made-for-TV series – I like involving a haunting of a UK Bed & Breakfast with a long history that become 'active' and .. at least in the movie starts to threaten his family, and the main character is a Character. The author Kingsley Amis (archived) does a very good job in following the main character and his weaknesses and thinking.
Looks like it will be too short in length, but the part I have read (listen too) is good stuff.
I dug-up a few other audio books from him on YouTube and if I like them I will have to purchase those also .. The Green Man was not one found on YouTube but by the description I knew it was the book that movie was based on.
I think I heard about and started looking at author Kingsley Amis (archived) – and discovered that he wrote 'The Green Man' while listening to this somewhat interesting a LOL funny at times:
“Michael Moynihan On Orwell And Conspiracies”
by The Weekly Dish, 11 August 2023
Francis' attack against the Faith – much of this only looks confused from an incompetent – but like the China secrete deal and so many other moves – his Satanic Puppet Masters know how to 'accidentally' further hurt the Body of Christ., ..
“Cardinal Burke SHREDS Francis As Source Of Confusion & Chaos In The Church”
{DropBox included - use URL at end if Link Broken}
.. Source, ..
“Discipline and Doctrine: Law in the Service of Truth and Love”
by Cardinal Raymond Burke, 09 May 2023
PDF {DropBox included}
Another one related to Francis' attack against the Faith., ..
“Vigano Exposes All Of Francis' Schemes Against Traditionalists”
{DropBox included - use URL at end if Link Broken}
Protected groups where they are abusive and hyper-empowered – being used by Satanic Gov and others for White Christian Genocide.
'Oppressed' from a position of power and abuses through it. Vicious cnt [women] screeching and destroying not only white men hating horrors – they screeching nightmares murdering-babies, destroying-families, threatening and crushing children, women, and less capable along with us 'powerful' white men., ..
“The Banality Of The British Police”
by Morgoth's Review Morgoth's Review
{DropBox included - use URL at end if Link Broken}
An expansion of her last article, some interesting history and sight into the stability of those feminists., ..
'Proof in feminists’ own words that feminism causes misery and mental illness' - Article
“Fear, Loathing, and Women’s Lib
by Janice Fiamengo, 11 August 2023
PDF {DropBox included}
The YouTube version was removed by them, but although I do not recall anything too extreme on it – some VagFeelieness which maybe some would 'report' it, perhaps., ..
“Our Devouring Mother Economy”
by The Lotus Eaters The Lotus Eaters
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Yes, there are many Conspiring in same goal., ..
“My Participation in a Worldwide Conspiracy”
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A review and advancements into last few generation advances in electronics., ..
“How Dead is Moore's Law?”
{DropBox included - use URL at end if Link Broken}
Time | Subject
00:00 Intro
00:53 Moore’s Law And Its Demise
06:23 Current Strategies
13:14 New Materials
15:50 New Hardware
18:58 Summary
19:31 Special Offer for NordVPN
It is had to believe this 'Lola' (archived) song came out in 1970 – I recall listening to this and liked it without understanding it – the beginning of song is likely why.
It is a shocking statement of the advance of Satan on Earth and West that this topic which was a very extreme rarity in wild – before being mind-raped and indoctrinated in baby-murder Genocidal-pushing schools, media, .., and 'Professional' Witches & Sick mothers – is now so widespread. Still, a catchy song and not so 'technical' that she makes it look easy., ..
“Lola (The Kinks) • Drum Cover”
by sina-drums
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May God have Mercy on us all.
[Current popular Memes and Images - which reflect common thoughts of many - may be found on the SubStack version – Facebook Witches will/have punished my sharing of such.]
PS. Yesterday's Post – for continuity - and [any] Referenced Posts, in that order ..
Archived: [completed same day]
{Today's videos & Articles}
DropBox Files:
August 11th, 2023, Friday Morning, Index Number 1984:
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Many of the videos not provided near comment, ..
DropBox Files:
Most recent zipped Full Facebook Account files (till 31 July 2023), 1 part (3.41G); Numbered posts, comments, images, and more ..
--- -- —
My 'Top' Public DropBox URL:
Links to this Post and others related:
Archived: [complete same day]
{Today's videos & Articles}
DropBox Files:—
— Recently found Memes and Images for our Consideration —
This Video or Article with my comments is Referenced Here:
{Broken link for full URL display - if printed for reference}
[ https://stevenwork.substack. com/p/multiverse-journal-index-number-1986]
Archived: [completed version first]
[ https://www.dropbox. com/scl/fi/v2plm0e0u04rfuvwgzut1/Multiverse-Journal-Index-Number-1986-August-13th-2023-Sunday-Morning.pdf?rlkey=0oy22caq28rj0mua90m53m6qy&dl=0]
[ https://www.facebook. com/Steven. Work/posts/pfbid02hKwCnBuQFM7miF5aQxTTM8GUMdCW9sJtFiManRvBtuZ3H99hvUzZuWEnwwG9qPPQl]
[ https://www.dropbox. com/scl/fi/osj0vequd3us5w52haut9/Facebook-Multiverse-Journal-Index-Number-1986-August-13th-2023-Sunday-Morning.pdf?rlkey=61ovll8cnbdak36k6wxeplogs&dl=0]
[ https://twitter. com/StevWork/status/1690815464375484417]
{Today's videos & Articles}
DropBox Files:
[ https://www.dropbox. com/scl/fo/9s7ff6j2fnswlw2t4fwo6/h?rlkey=lbe6kh1el29dmc485o9hk8yg4&dl=0]
August 13th, 2023, Sunday Morning, Index Number 1986: